Showing posts with label Corporate Magician Boston. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Corporate Magician Boston. Show all posts

Monday, June 24, 2024

AI? Is it the Solution to a Powerful Website?

 AI is beyond my scope of understanding for my personal use. Perhaps I’m too old to learn the intricacies…? Things are changing faster than I can process. I maintain my website. I wear all the hats. It’s not that I want to, but honestly, I work part-time. Having my website professionally maintained would cost more than I earn. That is something I do understand.

AI Photo Software

I have and continue to use AI Photo Software on all my pictures on my website. Simply put, all my photos come from video footage. Video to still image is far from perfect, but I compromise as I cannot bring a photographer to all my gigs. My wife occasionally shoots videos for me. I edit a video for my client's memories. I use short segments for my promos and take still clips for my photos.

To Deceive or Enhance…?

Here is the "slippery slope." It's no secret, that it is possible to generate videos or photos to serve less than honorable purposes. (Joe Biden tells voters in New Hampshire not to vote??? Not true AI generated.)

Can Instagram detect AI-generated images?

Meta does not require you to label images that have been created or altered with AI. However, these images will still receive a label if our systems detect they were AI-generated or if they were altered using AI. Note: There may be penalties if you do not label content as required.

When you visit my Instagram page, every photo is enhanced. Actually, before AI, I used photo software to alter my pictures. Not for the purposes of deception. But to give a better user experience. Sometimes a simple crop will do the job.

Boston Massachusetts Best Magician...Master Magician...Best Bloody Illusionist?

O.K. The above is not entirely accurate. It's a little "hype" or fictional. I hope you get the point. In the photo below you can see my newest "altered" image. In the original, I was surrounded by two spectators. I cut them out, because...I can. Also, the background was "cluttered." Yes, I removed it and replaced it with one of many options in my AI software.

Joe Ferranti Boston Massachusetts Magician 339-927-4710

Friday, January 28, 2022

Magic Beginnings of a Boston Magician Part 2

 Magic Beginnings part 2

The Magic of Joe Ferranti 339-927-4710

In 1973, NBC aired a new show called The Magician, starring Bill Bixby. The show only ran one season. I enjoyed the short cameos of professional magicians. One show had a very short clip of Dai Vernon performing his Cups and Balls routine. It began with a sequence of the vanish of three balls. I had a basic knowledge of sleight of hand and easily understood the vanish of the first two balls. What fooled me badly was the vanish of the third ball. This is what I saw. Dai placed the third ball in his hand. He merely closed his hand, and when he opened it, the ball was gone. Wow!, With my understanding of magic methods, this was not possible. Now I would attempt to find out how this was done.

Dai Vernon Magician

I have lived the major part of my life without the internet, and such was the case back in the 1970s. By this time, I had discovered the Joke/Magic Shops in Boston. My wife at that time worked in Boston and would stop at Little Jack Horner's Joke and Magic Shop on Tremont Street and would pick me up books and various pocket tricks.

In 1975 Boston got its first Magic Shop. Hank Lee's Magic Shop. Just magic, no jokes, no backroom of "magazines", no smoke products or marijuana paraphernalia. Just magic, from pocket tricks to large illusions. Professional magic by professional magicians. A very special time, Magic Lectures, I.B.M. meetings.

Now I knew where to get the secrets I wanted. I tracked down a booklet on Dai Vernon's Cups and Balls routine for $5. (A bargain for the best Cups and Balls routine.) I learned it and performed it at every opportunity I could find, which was few. (More on this next time.)

Massachusetts Magician Joe Ferranti

The Very Best in Close-Up Magic

Walk Around and The Intimate Parlor Show

Friday, December 24, 2021

Joe Ferranti Boston Magician

Image of a building in Boston Massachusetts.

My Boston Office?

When clients are looking for a magician, most often they go to Google and enter a search for what they are looking for. As a magician, there are two basic ways to attract clients. 

If you want to pay for an ad, it will get you instant results of top page exposure.

Most of us choose to use SEO to rank high on the results page. As a general rule, anything short of the first page is useless. It takes some knowledge and patience, but most of us can find a spot legitimately.

 Boston Magician Joe Ferranti struggles for Google results!

I work in the Boston area for most of my jobs, but actually where I work matters little. What does matter is what potential clients search for. One of the most coveted search rankings is Boston Magician. Go ahead, check it out. You can see its importance by the number of paid ads in this category.

I have worked carefully with SEO to break this barrier...with no success. The result is I get less recognition. Less recognition equals less work, less work equals less $$$, and that's just the way it is.

Boston Area Magician Discovers Secret!

I finally realized why I was missing the Google Three Pack...I don't know how it evaded me for so long. 
The top results for Boston Magician all "lived" in Boston. I live right outside the city, but useless for SERP. Having a Boston address was the missing piece of the puzzle.

Now, I won't mention any names, but on further investigation, I discovered a couple of magicians had more than one address. I've got a little secret for you. Some magicians make some serious money, but just a handful make enough to own two houses or a residence and an office in Boston. 

Google Frowns on Fake addresses...

Google has pretty clear-cut rules on Black Hat and White Hat practices using their service. Using a false address is clearly forbidden by Google and the penalty is pretty severe. I don't imagine Google has the time or inclination to investigate on its own. Surely there are far more serious infractions on their rules that attract their attention.

Best Wishes,
Magician serving Boston area...but don't live I'll see you on page 2 of Google...what's that? You never go past the first page? Hmm, what does it cost to fabricate an address?  ;)
Joe Ferranti

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Performing at The Summit Lounge

 Boston Magician Joe Ferranti

Image of Logo representing The Magic of Joe Ferranti.

Early in September, Samantha Taylor contacted me about performing my strolling magic at the Grow off. I knew little about the Grow Off, but understood what it was about. It sounded interesting and likely would be a good time. So I sent her a quote, and she got back to me. She asked if I would have any problem performing for their group. I told her I was young once and saw no reason I could not do a good job.

I realize why she must have asked me that question. People must have strong views on the legal use of cannabis. Perhaps,like politics, it must be a heated division. I have no personal problem, so I was happy to take the job.
The awards party was taking place at The Summit Lounge on Water St. in Worcester Ma.

Image of the entrance to the Summit Lounge. Worcester Massachusetts.
The Summit Lounge

The event took place on September 25th. As I always do, I arrived about 30 minuted before show time.  Pulling on the door, I found it locked. There is a "buzzer" I needed to press to gain entrance. I felt like it was 1920, and I was entering a "speakeasy." Not exactly, it's a private club... but it's fun to pretend.

The young woman who opened the door said, "You must be the magician." I suppose my suit gave me away. Her name is Elysha and is the general manager. In order to enter, you need to become a member. Elysha explained the conditions. I signed, and am now a member of The Summit Lounge for life.

Samantha made her way out to greet me. After we exchanged pleasantries she told me the turnout was way below what they expected and wondered if I could perform a "show" in place of walk around? "Sure..." I replied. I have a well-received parlor show which will easily fill the bill.

This made her happy. She couldn't know that I come prepared to perform parlor or strolling magic. It seemed we were ready to proceed. Their food would arrive shortly and after they had eaten, I would go on followed by the awards ceremony. Should be smooth sailing...but the food is late, Samantha is on the phone, and there is little she can do to speed up the delivery.

To Samantha's credit, she didn't get angry, at least she didn't show it. She decided. I would go on ASAP get the show on the road. When the food arrived, she would give me a sign and I would wrap up the show with a finale piece and then step aside so their evening could proceed.

Kudos to Samantha. It was a brilliant decision. I started my show and quickly won over the spectators. A lot of laughs and powerful magic. I probably got 20-25 minutes into the show when Samantha gave me the sign.

I wrapped up the show with my seven card multiple location routine. Although it is not my finale routine I use in my show, it certainly has the strength to suit the situation. I said good night and received an abundance of applause and left the room to the crowd chanting... "Joe! Joe! Joe! Joe!"... this is an ending I receive often, or a very gratifying standing ovation.

I waved a "Thank You" to Samantha as I left the room. She was busy moving the event to the food portion of the evening. We didn't have time for a face-to-face goodbye.

I felt bad I didn't have time to perform my entire Cabaret act, but no one was at just feels awkward not to deliver my full performance.

I emailed Samantha the next morning, offering to make it up anyway she might like. She responded with a 5 Star review...

"Joe was fantastic! Our schedule was thrown off because of a catering mishap, and Joe stepped right up to fill the time like a true professional. We hired him to do roaming magic, but changed things last minute to do a mini theater show. Joe got everyone involved, and they had the best time. Thank you, Joe!"

Hey, I'm a life member... maybe I'll return and finish the show.

Joe Ferranti

Boston Magician Strolling Magic and The Intimate Parlor Show

Friday, March 26, 2021

I'm Back...Kinda

Tip Toeing Through the Pandemic

 "Don't spike the ball on the five yard line." I don't suppose I need to tell you who to attribute that quote to? I believe it's good advice.

Honestly, if your not a little anxious during these times; you ain't got blood running through your veins. This past year we have seen over a half million deaths to a virus. A crash of the economy, food lines, business get the picture. Anxiety? We no longer need fluoride in our water supply, but a good dose of Prozac might be a good idea.

On the personal side, I had two live Magic shows in Boston in the past two weeks. As a courtesy, I used the recommended precautions to ensure my audience's comfort. A year ago, this would not have occurred.

This is by no means, normalcy...but we don't expect "normal" by a flip of the switch.

I would love to work with anyone, and will accommodate your needs with your local guidelines.

I'm ready for your wedding, graduation and more. Hopefully we will have a "total celebration" on December 31st. 

For the Very Best in Close Up and Parlor Magic in Mass. and New Hampshire, contact...

The Magic of Joe Ferranti 339-927-4710

Image of a Bride and Groom and their "Wedding Magician" Joe Ferranti at their reception in Woburn, Massachusetts.
New Hampshire Wedding Magician

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

The Year Without Christmas...(parties)

Magical Wishes from,
Massachusetts Magician
Joe Ferranti

 One year ago, the season had already begun. businesses big and small gathered together to "celebrate."

Celebrate the season, Christmas, Hanukah...celebrate their friendships, their accomplishments of the previous year.

They shared food and drink, and comradery. Things were going well from my observation point. the CEOs made speeches recognizing individuals for their contributions. Handing out gifts to one and all.

In retrospect, 2019 was a good year. many of us just didn't know the correct perspective to see it as the blessing it was.

I hardly had time to appreciate my  fortune...busy performing, scheduling as many bookings as possible, meeting hundreds of new "friends". Feeling the warmth of appreciation for magical performances, the laughter, the screams of delight.

2020 is quiet, no inquiries for the intimate walk around magic I provide. No calls for the magic comedy Parlor Show.

I miss it dearly, I'll be O.K. The rent is always paid, no meals missed. But to be honest, I am a little sad. If I wasn't, I wouldn't be human, that's O.K.

I wish everyone a Happy Holiday Season...If you are having serious symptoms of depression, please reach out. I expect we will celebrate next year.

I am part of a service industry that is suffering...I look forward to exchanging stories of survival, soon.

Peace to all,

Joe Ferranti

Boston Magician

Walk Around Magic and the Intimate Parlor Show

Image of Shocked young woman, reacting to "The Magic of Joe Ferranti" Boston's Best Magician.

Monday, September 7, 2020

The Masked Magician


New Meaning…The Masked Magician

Contact Boston Wedding Magician

Google search…masked magician, I’m quite sure you won’t find me in the results. Yet there I was September 6th 2020, providing entertainment at a wedding reception at the Inn at Woodstock Hill in Connecticut. Wearing a Mask!

Of course, you know where this is going, and I don’t mean to “make light” of the global pandemic. But this is where we are. We still celebrate life’s important occasions; some weddings have been postponed and others go on with some changes.

The Bride was making preparations many months ago and I was contacted for availability…availability? Oh yes, at that time my calendar was empty, and I was happy to get on board.

As a vendor I always want my clients to be stress free when working with me, especially weddings. Look up stress and you’ll find a picture of a bride. It is by nature a beautiful day, with potential stress points laid out like landmines.

I was working with a lovely young woman, and I didn’t want to add any stress. Knowing the future was uncertain I let her know, that she should feel free to cancel my service at any time, no penalty and no explanations necessary. At the time of hire, no one had any idea of what size gathering would be permissible at an indoor facility months down the road.

So, we kept in touch as time passed, and we never needed to change anything.

I arrived and was supplied with a very nice mask/ face covering, as all the guests were.

My job was to entertain during the cocktail hour, and as usual I shared a special effect with the Bride and Groom, which they enjoyed while being surrounded by their guests.

The Cocktail period continued in the dining area and the guests enjoyed some hors d'oeuvres along with their cocktails…of course they were able to remove their masks at this time.

Honestly, I never thought I would/could entertain while wearing a face covering…I am so glad to say I was wrong. Everything proceeded well, the guests enjoyed the magic, and I had the opportunity to finish with a few more pieces for the Bride and Groom.

I know many magicians are testing the waters with “virtual entertainment” …That’s not for me.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me for a performance by “The Masked Magician.”

Stay Safe,

Joe Ferranti

BostonMassachusetts’ Finest Wedding Magician

A Magic Surprise for the Bride and Groom!




Monday, August 31, 2020

Street Magic, a brief history…The Buskers and David Blaine

Boston Massachusetts Close Up Magician

Street magic has a long history, but most people understand it from a TV Special...

David Blaine:Street Magic 1997

Many viewers thought David was the first Street Magician. We’ll get to the buskers in a moment.

David took to the streets and performed close up magic for every type of person he encountered. From the homeless, to the everyday man. Notably the “Show” highlighted the reactions of the spectators as much as the magic itself. This was a novel approach for a television magic special.


David Blaine’s “Street Magic” inspired a new generation of magicians. Many took to the streets and performed for anyone who would stop to see their tricks. I benefit from the popularity created for a “new form” of magic…” Close Up Magic.” (close - up magic has been around since the beginning of time.)

For the first time on television a magician showed the impact of close - up magic in the “real world.” Of course, magic has been on television since variety shows hit the airwaves, but no one had shown it from this perspective.

However, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention that street magic has a long history.

Long before David hit the streets, buskers were performing magic in a different capacity. (Buskers include all types of street entertainment, provided for gratuities.)


As I mentioned, busking was income (gratuities) for the “Street Performer.” So, this affected the style as well. The professional busker is talented in more than one way. Of course, they are great entertainers, beyond that they are responsible for building their crowds and convincing them to drop a little money in a “hat”. These skills are just as important as the technical skills.

Note on Crowd Building: It is likely all readers have witnessed a street performance, by the time most of us arrive there is a good size crowd. This does not happen on its own. The performer captures the interest of a few and sustains it as he/she adds to the crowd without losing the first to arrive. If you have an interest in this craft, there are books written on the subject…an internet search will turn up quite a few.


The style of magic as a busker is also different from what David brought to the streets, back in “97.”

The busker needs to entertain a large crowd, so the magic is designed to entertain a sizable audience. It’s a simple equation, more people equals more money.


Street Magic created a wave/tsunami of enthusiasm for magic. A heightened interest is good…very good for the working magician.

Magic, the most unique form of entertainment.

Joe Ferranti

Boston Street Magician...almost. 😉

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Corporate Magic for the Americian Dental Partners at The Westin Copley Boston

Not fun to go to the Dentist?

Not true…I just had a great time performing for the American Dental Partners at the Westin Copley in Boston, Massachusetts.
I don’t totally understand their membership, but there were people from all around the U.S. at the convention. Not all were dentists, but there were plenty there. I’ve had my eye on an upgrade to some dental implants, so I asked a Dentist how many teeth we have in our upper mouth. I was told 16, so I bargained with 16 Dentists to trade an implant for a good trick. (Well, a great trick…seems fair.)
Although I don’t advertise as strictly a Card Magician, I am leaning that way. I always do a couple of coin tricks and am always prepared with other material, but for the most part it isn’t necessary. My good friend Paul Gordon, from England performs nothing but Card Magic, and does quite well. Congrats Paul.
The negative side for me would be advertising that the majority of my performance is card Magic. Frankly, I wouldn’t be hired. However, once I’m rolling there has never been a complaint, and the reviews are consistently 5 stars.
Most people don’t realize the variety of effects that one can produce with an ordinary deck of cards. Much like music with its limited scale of notes, the melodies are endless, and so it goes with the cards.

Joe Ferranti Boston Magician