Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Close-Up-Magic...No boxes, Big Impact!

Close-Up-Magic...No Boxes, Big Impact!

Close-Up-Magic has always been part of the magic scene. Many of us started with a card trick or a magic kit as a gift. Where to go from there was problematic, at least for me. My audience was family and friends. I wasn't very good, and the familiarity of my audience didn't help. Constant interruptions, grabbing my cards...not really their fault. (I wasn't very good.)

Stage Magic-Boxes Illusions-Sleight-of-Hand

This was also a pleasant memory from childhood. Magicians cutting ladies in two and putting them back together. Others producing endless fans of cards and was a different time. Linking Solid Metal Rings, Multiplying Billiard Balls, and Candles. It all intrigued me, but the secrets were not available. My only source of knowledge came from a public library, which was very limited.

Leaving Magic Behind

Life takes takes many twists and turns. Varied interests pull us back and forth and magic was left behind. I still liked magic but I didn't return until I was a young man. In the mid-seventies, Doug Henning took Brodawy and the Magic World by Storm. He had a new look which was appealing to my sensibilities. He performed Large Illusions as well as Close-Up-Sleight-of-Hand Magic. He was an inspiration, to say the least.

A Rekindled Interest in Close-Up-Magic

As a young adult, it was easy to find new resources. Magic Shops in Boston, stocked with professional material and the latest books. Magic Clubs hosting lecturers and more. I spent countless hours practicing, but still the mystery of making it entertaining eluded me. I had yet to learn the importance of personal interaction with my audience. In a word, it was the ability to "connect" with individuals and groups of people. Much like a dance, it was cooperative between the performer and the audience.

A Mentor at Last...?

Having a mentor can make all the difference between mediocrity and being a polished performer. I never met someone to fill this role. However, with the advent of magic videos and DVDs, I was able to watch and study how the best in the field entertained with Close-Up-Magic.

Being Your Best Self

The development of a "character" was an extremely important piece of the puzzle. Even in the earliest periods of development, I had read this. Understanding it was something entirely different. Not being trained in theatre it was important to play a character that is close to who you are in life, just a better version.

A Journey to becoming a Craftsman

Some call it "The Art of Magic." There are certainly artists in every field, and I know who the artists are in magic. My hope is to be considered a talented craftsman. A serious dabbler in magic. I get better by performing as often as possible and choosing the best material in line with my skills. I am well compensated for my performance time, but my biggest reward can be seen in the faces of the people I entertain. You can see them in my photos and videos.


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