Boston Mass. Magician Joe Ferranti 339-927-4710
Working for a small group of people, (5-10) is very different than working for 100 or more.
"Non working" magicians believe that close up strolling magic requires only "Three Tricks."
Although this may work most of the time. Someday... yes someday you will arrive at an event where the turn out is not what you expected. your three trick set is over in about 4 minutes, and you have 56 more minutes to provide entertainment.
ADVICE: Do not pay too much attention to people who are not working in the field they claim to understand. Remember, they are not working for a reason.
Always arrive prepared to "go deep." Meaning your repertoire has to go beyond those three tricks. Just as important, all your material must be as good or better as any opening material you might use.
(No filler material allowed.)
Even though, Close Up/Strolling Magicians appear to be "winging it..." The pro is well rehearsed and ready for whatever comes their way.